Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Best Blog Award!

Hey guys!  Long time no blog...  I've actually been going outside for once and it's made me realize how out of shape I'm in how nice it is to be outside around other people. ; )  Anyways, we got another blog award!  Thanks to Lisa from The Polish Playground for nominating me.

 These are the rules:
1. Answer the questions asked by the blog who nominated you.
2. Nominate up to 20 other blogs with less than 200 followers.
3. Create 11 questions for them to answer.

1. Do you have any siblings?
Yes I have 3; an older half-brother, sister, and a younger brother.

2. What's your guilty pleasure?
CHOCOLATE!  I swear I have the biggest sweet tooth.  I also love watching Phineas and Ferb (there's nothing wrong with a 20 year old watching cartoons)!

3. What's your zodiac sign?
Cancer (\/)!_!(\/)

4. What's your favorite color?

5. Your favorite genre of music to listen to?
I love a little bit of everything but right now I'm listening to a lot of Hip Hop and Reggae.
6. What's your one favorite nail polish at the moment?
Sinful Colors Endless Blue

7. What was your first ever nail polish you bought?
I want to say it was either N.Y.C. Fuchsia Shock Creme or Love My Nails Hot Tamale.

8. What colors do you have the most of in your collection?
Blue and glittahhh *sprinkles glitter in the air*

9. What's your favorite nail polish finish to wear?
I'm definitely a shimmery kind of gal!

10. What's your most expensive nail polish that you own?
Zoya Gilty!  I haven't worn it yet but I love staring at the bottle.

11. Do you prefer short or long nails?
I prefer a medium length.  I think they look better on my chubby fingers.

Well that was fun!  Thanks again Lisa for nominating me for the Best Blog Award!

**Here's my nominees!**
Fairly Charming
Cat's Adventures in Lacquer Land 
Charismatically Polished
Fancy Schmancy Nails
Nails By Coco
Once Bitten Nails
Polish Sickness
Polish Smoothie
Simply Thrifty Nails

Here are the questions:
1.  How did you come up with your blog name?
2.  How much is too much polish for one person to have?
3.  What is one type of nail art that you want to try?
4.  What is your favorite nail trend?
5.  What polish is at the top of your wish list?
6.  How often do you change your polish?
7.  Who is the first blogger that you followed?
8.  What is your "go to" nail polish?
9.  Favorite Disney princess?
10.  Favorite movie?
11.  What is your dream vacation?

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for answering my questions! It was so fun to read your answers :)


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